Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Deconstruction Project in West AL

Season's Greetings!

Last week we visited a few of our reclamation projects in Alabama, including our most recent project, the West Alabama Stockyards in Eutaw, AL.  Our careful dismantling of the Stockyards will yield 100,000+ board feet of circular sawn 8/4” oak.  The structure of the facility is similar to a ‘pole’ barn design with hundreds of corrals where cattle and livestock were stored before being sold to the highest bidder on the auction block.  We will salvage almost 100% of the wood boards and poles, as well as, several thousand sqaure feet of rustic tin and many antique/vintage lighting fixtures.   Learn more about our deconstruction projects.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Architects love Salvage!

Evolutia is proud to have been involved in the fantastic new offices of local Architects Jeff Dungan & Louis NequetteWe created a one of a kind reclaimed flooring plan, accented the ceiling and walls with unique antique boards, and provided early 20th century salvaged industrial mill windows to use as unique room partitions.  To learn more about what we are doing check out our new website at!